Saturday, 31 October 2015

Things I Learned In October 2015

Eeek! It's Halloween! Around here that means baking, baking and more baking. I spent most of October struggling with my sucky health issues, but I am currently infection free! Unfortunately my depression is still lurking hard. Hoping to find a way to better places soon.

Want to know what I learned in October?!

Friday, 30 October 2015

Shocktober 2015, The Penultimate Round-Up!

Time to blog about spooky movies! My goal with this project was to try to watch as many new-to-me movies as possible. Looking for secret treasures in the dusty dungeons as it were. I used Netflix almost exclusively for my movie nights, maybe three exceptions? Here comes my report so far ;)

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Week 43 Cross Stitch Update!

I'm experiencing a world of problems with photography at the moment, so please forgive my less than awesome photos! Popping in to share a cross stitch update :)

Friday, 16 October 2015

Ok Trich, you win this round.

But I am not letting you take my afternoon too.

Today started like most mornings this week. With me in full on panic mode because I really fucking hate the dark mornings! And I'm sick, and super miserable.

Plus point, I did not cry about breakfast! I made my own toast like a grown-up and the whole morning routine was basically melt-down free. Lately I have been trying to make myself eat porridge. I love porridge, but I have serious issues with preparing it. I can't actually do it without tears these days.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Spread 'Em Wide Sunday Week 41

Week 41 was a rough one for me! I still have residual flu yuckiness and general exhaustion that I can't quite shake, but my general recovery is going well overall. Checking in today to share my *almost* complete week's spread in my Erin Condren Horizontal.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Things I learned in September 2015

Oh hi! This is me, and here are some of the things I learned this September! I'm using the note page at the end of each month's section in my Erin Condren Life Planner to list that month's random lessons :) Always something to learn!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

October Listers Gotta List In My Erin Condren Notebook

Sharing the first 7 days of my October #listersgottalist challenge! This will be my 4th time around with this challenge :) I made mini-books in various styles for my previous listers challenges, but this time I'm switching it up a bit!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Trich or Treat! It's BFRB Awareness Week!

BFRB Awareness Week is here again! Body Focused Repetitive Behaviour (BFRB) Awareness week runs from the 1st through to the 7th of October each year. This week is also Invisible Illness Awareness Week. As a person living with both trichotillomania and dermatillomania (or possibly a hybrid mash-up of both disorders), the vast majority of my health struggles are invisible. Today I want to talk about living with BFRB and hopefully raise awareness for this seriously underrepresented family of illnesses.