Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Sick Days And Washi Love

I am entirely failing at my personal blogging goals this week. It's been ridiculous! And I'm still pretty sick. So I'm trying to let myself take a short break from self-imposed obligations. I do feel sucky about it, as I really love sharing my instagram challenges and such, but it's all I can do to keep up with my doctor visit schedule right now, absolutely no energy to spare.

I am still doing my #listersgottalist each day, and still watching movies each day for #teacupfaeryshocktober. I am flailing a bit with #drawlloween, but just about keeping up. For some reason the instagram part is the hardest right now.

I went to the dentist today! Trying to get some help with my on-going wisdom tooth issues. And... my gums are too badly infected to work on :( So I have a week of antibiotics, and then I get some fillings next week. Apparently I should be in a whole world of pain with my mouth infection, but I'm really not. I seem to have developed a ridiculous tolerance to it.

And I still have flu-hangover. I just want to stay in bed with the cat all day. But I keep having to get up and go see people. Meh.

Good stuff... I organised all the washi last week, and I am keeping it tidy! Super love having it all neat like this. Won't last much longer though as I have at least a couple more in transit.

Pipsticks! A super cool sticker club I finally joined :) I got my intro pack on Monday. I really like it! Lots of stickers I adore, a few I wouldn't have personally chosen but all totally usable! I'm in the Pro Club, a monthly sticker pack aimed at planner girls, pen pals and scrapbookers. I'm already super excited about next month's pack!

I am also starting my Planner Society kit this month! So much goodness to look forward to :)

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