Friday 20 November 2015

And though she be but little, she is Fierce

Dark damp November days here in Liverpool. I am learning. We are learning.

Living with a partner with a personality disorder is hard. It always was. There's no changing this. I am learning to face the situation with love and compassion, and to keep my emotions in check. Secure your own mask before helping others. Always.

A lot of things are good. Tea is good. Cooking meals from scratch in a clean(ish) kitchen is good. Crime shows are good. Hanging out with my lovely friends Jess and Dan has been fucking awesome! I stayed in Leeds on Tuesday night as Bear and I both needed space. I came back stronger. I'm Super Jane now. I got this!

Last night was pretty amazing. I think we are making progress. The new plan is to take things slow. Somehow we have slipped back 14 years and we are awkward teenagers snuggling on the couch and staying up until 4am because we just can't stop talking to each other. But we are in our 30's now, and a lot less awkward. I'm giving Bear the lead here. He says he wants to date me, and might ask me to be his girlfriend one of these days :) We stayed up listening to 90's rock and drinking together. Hugging hard and singing Wonderwall together. Life is good.

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